google bard

Google Bard

Google’s new AI chatbot, BARD, represents a significant advancement in conversational AI. Powered by Google’s Lambda language model, BARD is specifically designed to respond to prompts, generate text, answer questions, and provide context-specific information in an informative way. Despite some limitations, BARD has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with chatbots and may pave the way for more advanced AI chatbots in the future.


Google’s Passage Ranking Update And Its Impact On Search Results

Google’s Passage Update enhances search results by allowing users to find specific information within longer articles with more precision. It benefits both users and content creators, as high-quality content can surface more easily in search results. This algorithmic change has transformed the way Google ranks and retrieves information, resulting in more efficient search results.

Google Ads & Privacy

As the use of technology and online advertising continues to grow, it’s important to understand how your data is being used and protected. Here, we answer some common questions about the intersection of ads and privacy.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Search Console In response to requests from customers, last year Google released the Page Experience report in Search Console to help site owners understand and fix issues that affect how Google evaluates the page experience for their site. The report provides more information on the HTTPS status of the site and makes it easier to…